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Data Engine
The Data Engine manages the Data Persistence (SQL Engine) alongside database adaptors and the distributed cache engine which manages optimized access to the back end database.  All rental and equipment management business processes initiated by users or incoming web services are fully transactional following the ACID principles, managed by the Application Server Transaction Manager.


mobile apps, n-tier architecture, security, scalability and business processing software
A modern N-tier Architecture, incorporating Security, Scalability & Business processing layers, & Mobile Apps to deliver your Equipment Managment Solution

The RentalResult Software Technology Platform

Modern, Open and Ready for Business

We use industry standard technologies for our rental management software security to ensure your rental data stays safe and you can control user access to your rental business systems. 


Field level security and roles to control individual user access to data and specific rental, financial and equipment applications.


The rentalresult rental software architecture protects via a Security layer so that data cannot be accessed without authentication and authorization.


At the core of the Security layer is the Spring Security framework which allows for pluggable authentication providers. 

Managing Rental System Security

Keeping your rental and equipment  data safe and secure is a basic necessity for every rental business 
If you'd like to 'Talk Techie' with one of our technical architects, fill in our contact us form...
rentalresult technology n-tier architecture diagram

​Infrastructure Layer

2 key components: The Rich Client Controllers handle all presentation logic and UI validation, & the Integration Platform. For more information on this part of the technology platform see Integration.



Application Server

The RentalResult rental Application server can be scaled in cluster mode to match business expansion. With the distributed cache component of the data engine layer this makes the rentalresult application completely scalable and suitable for cloud based hosting environments. 

Equipment Software Management Technology Platform

Business Logic
The RentalResult rental software system’s real strength is in its understanding of the complex rules surrounding the rental business and equipment management processes that are so key to our specialist rental, construction rental and oilfield services rental customers. The system is highly configurable, with thousands of complex business rules, the RentalResult rental software system relies on a sophisticated set of business components:  Rich Domain Objects, POJOs and Services which can be exposed as Remote Object or SOAP/REST endpoints for the integration platform



Spring Framework
We utilize the Spring Framework as a foundation stack to all infrastructure services in order to decouple as much as possible the rental industry business logic from the technology. ​


“Distributed processing and horizontal scalability gives IT Professionals the opportunity to invest only in the hardware processing capabilities required at a point in time and not what capabilities “may” be required two or three years into the future. It also allows for companies to split processing across geographic areas, irrespective of where the physical hardware resides allowing issues of redundancy. Distributed processing may sound complex however this approach to software design removes historical restrictions that your legacy application may face, helping to reduce costs, improve hardware redundancy and allow for efficient and timely availability of information.”

Yann Le Locat, Senior technical architect, Result Group

Being able to scale your rental business software system to keep up with business growth is an essential piece of your technology platform

Rental System Scalability

Rental Software Scalability Solutions

The RentalResult rental system incorporates horizontal scalability and distributed processing as part of the core building blocks of design. rentalresult horizontal scalability is deployed by default, irrespective of company size.

managing your data for disasters, business continuity, disaster recovery planning
  • 90 percent of businesses that lose data from a disaster are forced to shut down within two years of the disaster and 50 percent of businesses experiencing a computer outage will be forced to shut within five years.

  • 20 percent of all companies will suffer fire, theft, flood or storm damage, power failures, terrorism or hardware/software disaster at some point during their operation. Of the ones that don’t have a disaster recovery and business continuity plan in place, which is about 50%, 43% will never open again.

  • Cloud Based systems offer an alternative to worrying about your Disaster Recovery planning. Why worry when we can do it for you! 

Expect the Unexpected in your Rental or Equipment Management business

Disaster Recovery 

Cloud based solutions

Rental Software on the Cloud

RentalResult’s rental ERP solution is delivered through Amazon EC2, to give users lower start-up costs, faster implementation and a reduction in the total cost of ownership

Whether you want a private cloud, or a multi tenancy environment, we deliver our solutions via Amazon AWS eliminating your technical headaches and giving you flexibility for future growth.

Rental Mobile Apps for iOS and Android

Do you want to introduce Mobile Apps into your rental business?  Would you like to use Rental Mobile Apps at your construction site? Are you looking for a mobile computing platform for your field based personnel?

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